
Research Journal of Educational Studies and Review

Research Paper|Published March 2020|Vol. 6 (1): 1-8.


Evaluation of the Implementation of School Health Programmes in Senior Secondary Schools in Taraba State, Nigeria


Magaji, Peninnah Joseph1* and Atando Dauda Agbu2


1Department of General Studies, College of Agriculture, Jalingo, Nigeria.

2Department of History and Diplomatic Studies, Taraba State University, Jalingo, Nigeria.



This article investigates the level of implementation of the School Health Programmes in Senior Secondary Schools in Taraba State. Schools are important settings for comprehensive health promotion next to the family, exerting the most influence on the lives of the children. However, in Taraba State, health promotion in senior secondary schools seemed to be at its lowest ebb due to lack of synergy between relevant stake holders. Therefore, it is imperative to assess whether or not the implementation of school health programmes in senior secondary schools in Taraba State has helped to promote good health to assist the youth in their academic successes. Using the Descriptive Survey Design, with the aid of Questionnaire, the study revealed that the level of implementation of healthful school environment is moderate in secondary schools in Taraba State; the level of implementation of school feeding services is low in public senior secondary schools and moderate in private senior secondary schools; there is low-level of implementation of skill-based health education and low implementation of school health services among others. The study recommends for effective participation of education stakeholders for the improvement of the wellness of senior secondary students in Taraba State.

Key Words:
Education, Evaluation, Implementation, School Health Programmes, Senior Secondary Schools, Students, Staff, Stake-holders.


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