
Using guided inquiry-based approach to teach refraction: An experience with College Students


Akano Benedict Ubawuike


Perspective I Published October,2018


Research Journal of Educational Studies and Review Vol. 4 (4), pp. 49-54.


The teaching and learning of Integrated Science at the Colleges of Education in Nigeria urgently needs to provide student- teachers with instructional competencies such as knowledge of the subject matter content, skills of inquiry and pedagogy. The author reports his classroom teaching experience where he used a problem-solving approach that involves methods of inquiry and activities to teach refraction. Through this effort, he observed that using science process skills such as observing, formulating hypotheses, testing hypotheses and explaining, teachers of science could make their science lessons more enriching and student-centered. Some of the implications of this approach to teaching and learning of science include; emphasizing detailed observation in practical lessons by textbook authors, adequate teacher preparation before practical lessons and teachers’ openness in dealing with students’ questions, especially when the teacher does not have a quick answer to such questions.

Key Words:
Science, Inquiry-based Science teaching, Understanding, Refraction.


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