
Manifestation of corruption in higher education: the role of the University administrator


Seniwoliba J. A. and Boahene, B.E


Research Article I Published July,2015


Research Journal of Educational Studies and Review Vol. 1 (3), pp. 78-88


Corruption has infiltrated into the higher education system in different forms and dimensions. The study adopted a number of qualitative research methods to elicit the results. The paper therefore, provides critical discussion on some policy documents, reports from Transparency International, critical discourse analysis to examine the texts from a critical perspective, experiential knowledge which draws on a decade of personal experiences as administrators in the University and the current issues on corruption involving the public sector of Ghana. It reviewed the issues of corruption based on idealism, rational choice and anomie. Two major sources of corruption were identified (administrative and academic) in higher education in Ghana however, manifested in different forms such as through admissions, procurement, leadership influence recruitment, promotions/appointment, academic dishonesty, cheating, leaking examination papers, plagiarism, favoritism and many more. The study revealed that corruption is found almost everywhere; it does not only occur in poor or developing countries but also in developed countries. It concluded by viewing corruption as a complex and ancient phenomenon and its roots lie deep in bureaucratic and political institutions and its effect on development varies from country to country. The paper therefore recommended that the Government should put in place national institutions to take care of the unemployed, aged and destitute and close up the salary gap between the professor and the office clerk paying special attention to the Ghanaian moral values.

Key words: Corruption, Higher Education, Manifestation, Transparency, Accountability.

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