
Observations for Lateral Light at a Hole Adjacent To Lines of Different Colours Comparison with the Eye in Terms of Iris and Blue Make Up Analysis of Monochromatic Light


Lena J-T Strömberg


Review I Published November,2015


Journal of Scientific Research and Essays Vol. 1 (2), pp. 28-32



A photo with a flash, of lines with different colors at a hole, was analyzed. The depict/shadow in the hole is probably constrained by the patterns and the shape, such that it agrees with the format of a J-space. It appeared that blue was different from the more bright colors. Blue has shorter wavelength, and when not too close to the hole, it is not absorbed, but enters and reveals the edge of the hole in more detail. Therefore, it is possible that blue eye make-up may improve the sight. Depending on the biochemistry inside the eye, the blue eye may be somewhat superior, or sensitive to blue colors. In terms of the p/2-projection, emittance of blue light in conjunction with additional wind south-north, were discussed. The colour of Venus was related to the p/2-projection, and the orientation and relative rotation to the Earth.

Key words: Lateral light, Tti, J-space, vp/2-projection, blue eye, blue make-up, south wind and Pole star.


ABBREVIATIONS: Tti: Tove time invariant, p/2-projection; velocity perpendicular to a curved path.


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