

Kidneys condition in multiorgan inefficiency resulting from burn disease


Erkin A. Hakimov*, Babur M. Shakirov and Shobotir Umarov


Short Communication I Published April,2015


Journal of Medical and Biological Science Research Vol. 1 (2), pp. 10-12

Burn Department of RSCUMA and Inter-Regional Burn Center Samarkand, Uzbekistan


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In severe burn disease, inflammatory processes in kidneys often result in lethal outcome. The present study shows the material of 46 autopsies of died patients (29 males and 17 females), being treated at Burn Department of Samarkand branch of RSCUMA during year 2006 to 2012 .Electronic microscope study of kidneys made it possible to verify morphological substrate and pathogenesis of renal insufficiency in burn disease. From the study we can distinguish typical features of morphological changes in kidneys in burn disease; damage to microvessels and cellular elements.

Key words: Burns, autopsies, microscope study of kidneys, Sepsis.


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